secure_learning.utils.random module

The generate method generates a set of unique indicator vectors. It internally chooses between a direct and an indirect method, where the direct method is efficient for small sets and the indirect method is efficient for large sets. A demo of the different methods is presented by running the file as a script.

Usage (Python 3.6):

>>> from mpyc.runtime import mpc
>>> import random_unit_vectors
>>> masked_vectors = random_unit_vectors.generate(5,2)
>>> unmasked_vectors = list(map(lambda x:, masked_vectors))
>>> print(unmasked_vectors)
[[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]
secure_learning.utils.random.decompose_random_binary_permutation(s, b)[source]

Extract a set of indicator vectors from a vector with ones and zeroes. Every indicator vector denotes the position of a one in the input vector.

Assume that the input vector contains exactly 1 one. We extract an indicator vector from this vector ‘s’ as follows:

>>> eps = 0
>>> delta = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n):
>>>     delta[i] = (1-eps)*s[i]
>>>     .delta = eps + delta[i]

The first line in the for-loop copies the i-th element of s as long as eps equals zero. This remains true until the loop reaches the index i* such that s[i] = 1. Now, delta[i*] is set to one and subsequently eps is set to one. As a consequence, all elements of delta with index at least i* are set to zero. We have thus obtained a indicator vector delta that has 1-bit on the index that corresponds to the first 1-bit of s.

The above approach can be generalized as to obtain b indicator vectors from a permutation of b 1-bits. Note that all these indicator vectors are unique and, by construction, the indicator vectors are sorted according to the index of their 1-bit.

  • s (List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]) – Vector with zeros and ones

  • b (int) – Number of ones in s

Return type:

List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]


Unique set of random indicator vectors

secure_learning.utils.random.generate_unique_unit_vectors(sectype, n, b=1)[source]

Generate a set of unique indicator vectors.

It internally chooses between a direct and an indirect method, where the direct method is efficient for small sets and the indirect method is efficient for large sets.

  • sectype (Type[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]) – Secure type of unit vector elements

  • n (int) – Length of unit vector

  • b (int) – Number of unit vectors


ValueError – Occurs when 0 <= b <= n when generating indicator vectors

Return type:

List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]


Unique set of random indicator vectors

secure_learning.utils.random.generate_unique_unit_vectors_direct(sectype, n, b=1)[source]

Direct approach for generating random indicator vectors. In this approach, we generate sets of random indicator vectors until all vectors are unique.

Remark: if this method is used often and b is fixed, then the number of retries leaks statistical information about the total number of samples. Use the indirect method if this is an issue.

  • sectype (Type[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]) – Secure type of unit vector elements

  • n (int) – Length of unit vector

  • b (int) – Number of unit vectors

Return type:

List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]


Set of random unit vectors

secure_learning.utils.random.generate_unique_unit_vectors_indirect(sectype, n, b=1)[source]

Generate a random binary permutation and then extract unique random indicator vectors from the given permutation.

  • sectype (Type[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]) – Secure type of unit vector elements

  • n (int) – Length of unit vector

  • b (int) – Number of unit vectors

Return type:

List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]


Unique set of random indicator vectors


Permute matrix randomly.


matrix (Sequence[Sequence[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]) – Matrix to be permuted


TypeError – Input is not a matrix

Return type:

List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]


Permutated matrix

secure_learning.utils.random.random_matrix_permutation(sectype, row_length, rows=None)[source]

Return a random permutation matrix.

  • sectype (Type[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]) – Secure type of unit vector elements

  • row_length (int) – (Row) length of desired matrix

  • rows (Optional[int]) – Number of rows to return

Return type:

List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]


Random permutation matrix

async secure_learning.utils.random.random_unit_vectors_are_unique(p)[source]

Verify whether all passed unit vectors are unique.


p (List[List[TypeVar(SecNumTypesTV, SecureFiniteField, SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger)]]) – List of indicator vectors

Return type:

Coroutine[Any, Any, Awaitable[bool]]


True if all indicator vectors are unique, False otherwise