Source code for secure_learning.utils.random

The generate method generates a set of unique indicator vectors. It internally
chooses between a direct and an indirect method, where the direct method is
efficient for small sets and the indirect method is efficient for large sets.
A demo of the different methods is presented by running the file as a script.

Usage (Python 3.6):

.. code-block:: python

    >>> from mpyc.runtime import mpc
    >>> import random_unit_vectors
    >>> masked_vectors = random_unit_vectors.generate(5,2)
    >>> unmasked_vectors = list(map(lambda x:, masked_vectors))
    >>> print(unmasked_vectors)
    [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Coroutine, List, Optional, Sequence, Type

import mpyc.random
from mpyc.runtime import mpc

from tno.mpc.mpyc.stubs.asyncoro import mpc_coro_ignore, returnType

from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.utils.types import (
from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.utils.util_matrix_vec import matrix_sum

[docs] async def random_unit_vectors_are_unique( p: List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]], ) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, Awaitable[bool]]: """ Verify whether all passed unit vectors are unique. :param p: List of indicator vectors :return: True if all indicator vectors are unique, False otherwise """ q = matrix_sum(p) return mpc.is_zero_public(mpc.in_prod(q, q) - len(p))
@mpc_coro_ignore async def _unique_random_unit_vectors( sectype: Type[SecNumTypesTV], n: int, b: int, maxcounter: int = 30, counter: int = 1, ) -> List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]]: """ Generate set of random unit vectors. :param sectype: Secure type of unit vector elements :param n: Length of unit vector :param b: Number of unit vectors :param maxcounter: Maximum number of tries to generate unique vectors before calling indirect method :param counter: The counter :return: Set of random unit vectors """ await returnType(sectype, b, n) p = [mpyc.random.random_unit_vector(sectype, n) for _ in range(b)] if await random_unit_vectors_are_unique(p): return p if counter < maxcounter: vectors: List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]] = await _unique_random_unit_vectors( sectype=sectype, n=n, b=b, maxcounter=maxcounter, counter=counter + 1 ) return vectors print( "random_unit_vectors.generate_unique_unit_vectors_direct: \ max number of recursions reached, now calling \ generate_unique_unit_vectors_indirect" ) return generate_unique_unit_vectors_indirect(sectype=sectype, n=n, b=b)
[docs] def generate_unique_unit_vectors_direct( sectype: Type[SecNumTypesTV], n: int, b: int = 1 ) -> List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]]: """ Direct approach for generating random indicator vectors. In this approach, we generate sets of random indicator vectors until all vectors are unique. Remark: if this method is used often and b is fixed, then the number of retries leaks statistical information about the total number of samples. Use the indirect method if this is an issue. :param sectype: Secure type of unit vector elements :param n: Length of unit vector :param b: Number of unit vectors :return: Set of random unit vectors """ vectors: List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]] = _unique_random_unit_vectors(sectype, n, b) return vectors
# Indirect method def _random_binary_permutation( sectype: Type[SecNumTypesTV], n: int, b: int ) -> Vector[SecNumTypesTV]: """ Returns vector of random ones and zeros. :param sectype: Secure type of unit vector elements :param n: Length of vector :param b: Number of ones in vector :return: Vector with b randomly placed ones and n-b zeros """ p = [sectype(1)] * b + [sectype(0)] * (n - b) permutation: Vector[SecNumTypesTV] = mpyc.random.shuffle(sectype, p) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] return permutation
[docs] def decompose_random_binary_permutation( s: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], b: int ) -> List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]]: """ Extract a set of indicator vectors from a vector with ones and zeroes. Every indicator vector denotes the position of a one in the input vector. Assume that the input vector contains exactly 1 one. We extract an indicator vector from this vector 's' as follows: .. code-block:: python >>> eps = 0 >>> delta = [0]*n >>> for i in range(n): >>>\tdelta[i] = (1-eps)*s[i] >>>\ = eps + delta[i] The first line in the for-loop copies the i-th element of `s` as long as `eps` equals zero. This remains true until the loop reaches the index `i*` such that `s[i] = 1`. Now, `delta[i*]` is set to one and subsequently `eps` is set to one. As a consequence, all elements of `delta` with index at least `i*` are set to zero. We have thus obtained a indicator vector `delta` that has 1-bit on the index that corresponds to the first 1-bit of `s`. The above approach can be generalized as to obtain `b` indicator vectors from a permutation of `b` 1-bits. Note that all these indicator vectors are unique and, by construction, the indicator vectors are sorted according to the index of their 1-bit. :param s: Vector with zeros and ones :param b: Number of ones in s :return: Unique set of random indicator vectors """ stype = type(s[0]) n = len(s) eps = [stype(1)] + [stype(0)] * b d = [[stype(0)] * n for __ in range(b)] for i in range(n): for j in range(b): d[j][i] = eps[j] * (1 - eps[j + 1]) * s[i] for j in range(b): eps[j + 1] = eps[j + 1] + d[j][i] return d
[docs] def generate_unique_unit_vectors_indirect( sectype: Type[SecNumTypesTV], n: int, b: int = 1 ) -> List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]]: """ Generate a random binary permutation and then extract unique random indicator vectors from the given permutation. :param sectype: Secure type of unit vector elements :param n: Length of unit vector :param b: Number of unit vectors :return: Unique set of random indicator vectors """ s = _random_binary_permutation(sectype, n, b) return decompose_random_binary_permutation(s, b)
[docs] def generate_unique_unit_vectors( sectype: Type[SecNumTypesTV], n: int, b: int = 1 ) -> List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]]: """ Generate a set of unique indicator vectors. It internally chooses between a direct and an indirect method, where the direct method is efficient for small sets and the indirect method is efficient for large sets. :param sectype: Secure type of unit vector elements :param n: Length of unit vector :param b: Number of unit vectors :raise ValueError: Occurs when 0 <= b <= n when generating indicator vectors :return: Unique set of random indicator vectors """ if b < 0 or b > n: raise ValueError( "Ensure that 0 <= b <= n when generating indicator \ vectors." ) # elif b < 2.1*math.sqrt(n): # return generate_unique_unit_vectors_direct(n, b) # If b < c*math.sqrt(n), then (asymptotically) the expected number of recursions # # is at most exp(c). # # c = 2 has been determined experimentally (test2) in case of a single party # else: # return generate_unique_unit_vectors_indirect(n, b) # In the multi-party setting, generate_unique_unit_vectors_indirect is several orders of magnitute slower # (requires too much communication). return generate_unique_unit_vectors_direct(sectype, n, b)
[docs] def random_matrix_permutation( sectype: Type[SecNumTypesTV], row_length: int, rows: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[Vector[SecNumTypesTV]]: """ Return a random permutation matrix. :param sectype: Secure type of unit vector elements :param row_length: (Row) length of desired matrix :param rows: Number of rows to return :return: Random permutation matrix """ if rows is None: rows = row_length matrix = [[sectype(0)] * row_length for __ in range(row_length)] for _ in range(row_length): matrix[_][_] = sectype(1) return permute_matrix(matrix)[:rows]
[docs] def permute_matrix(matrix: SeqMatrix[SecNumTypesTV]) -> Matrix[SecNumTypesTV]: """ Permute matrix randomly. :param matrix: Matrix to be permuted :raise TypeError: Input is not a matrix :return: Permutated matrix """ if not isinstance(matrix[0], Sequence): raise TypeError("Input is not a matrix.") matrix = seq_to_list(matrix) stype = type(matrix[0][0]) rows = len(matrix) # Knuth shuffling on vectors for row in range(rows - 1): # Knuth shuffling y_r = mpyc.random.random_unit_vector(stype, rows - row) X_r = mpc.matrix_prod([y_r], matrix[row:])[0] # X_r = matr_sum((mpc_utils.mult_scalar_mul(y_r, X[row:], tr=True)) d_r = mpc.matrix_prod([[v] for v in y_r], [mpc.vector_sub(matrix[row], X_r)]) matrix[row] = X_r for _ in range(rows - row): matrix[row + _] = mpc.vector_add(matrix[row + _], d_r[_]) return matrix