distributed_keygen.shamir_secret_sharing_integers module

Utility for Shamir secret sharing over the integers.

class distributed_keygen.shamir_secret_sharing_integers.IntegerShares(shamir_sss, shares, degree, scaling)[source]

Bases: object

Class that keeps track of the shares for a certain value that is secret shared over the integers.


Add the shares belonging to the two given IntegerShares values together.


other (IntegerShares) – Shares to be added to these shares.


ValueError – In case a different secret sharing scheme was used.

Return type:



New IntegerShares object where the shares have been added together.


Multiply the shares belonging to the two given IntegerShares values together. Only possible when both schemes are the same.


other (IntegerShares) – Shares to be multiplied with these shares.

Return type:



New IntegerShares object where the shares have been multiplied together.


Multiply the shares belonging to this value with a given scalar integer or ShamirShares object.


other (Any) – ShamirShares or scalar to be multiplied with these shares.

Return type:



New IntegerShares object where the shares have been multiplied together.


Function that uses the shares from other parties to reconstruct the secret


modulus (int) – the modulus to use


ValueError – In case not enough shares are present to reconstruct the secret.

Return type:



original secret


Serialization function

Return type:

Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[int, Dict[int, int], Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]]]


json object containing the necessary information to deserialize

class distributed_keygen.shamir_secret_sharing_integers.ShamirSecretSharingIntegers(kappa=40, max_int=5, number_of_parties=10, polynomial_degree=4)[source]

Bases: object

Class with Shamir Secret sharing functionality over the integers

__init__(kappa=40, max_int=5, number_of_parties=10, polynomial_degree=4)[source]

Initialize a secret sharing over the integers

  • kappa (int) – statistical security parameter

  • max_int (int) – Value that together with kappa and number_of_parties determines the interval from which polynomial coefficients are randomly sampled. In general, the Paillier modulus is used for max.

  • number_of_parties (int) – number of shares that need to be created for each sharing

  • polynomial_degree (int) – degree of polynomials used to share secrets


Serialization function

Return type:

Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]


json object containing the necessary information to deserialize


Function that creates shares of a value for each party


secret (int) – secret to be shared

Return type:



sharing of the secret

class distributed_keygen.shamir_secret_sharing_integers.Shares(partial_decryption=<factory>, p=<factory>, q=<factory>, n=<factory>, biprime=<factory>, v=<factory>, lambda_=<factory>, beta=<factory>, secret_key=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares contains all shares of this party. Every subclass contains an object for that element, such as \(p\) or \(q\). These objects contain up to two entries: “additive” and “shares”, in “additive”, the local additive share of that element is stored, in “shares”, the shamir shares of the local additive share are stored.

class Beta(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of \(\beta\).

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
class Biprime(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of the used biprime.

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
class Lambda(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of \(\lambda\).

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
class N(shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of \(n\).

shares: Dict[int, int]
class P(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of \(p\).

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
class PartialDecryption(shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Partial decryption containing shares of at least this party.

shares: Dict[int, int]
class Q(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of \(q\).

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
class SecretKey(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of the secret key.

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
class V(additive=0, shares=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Shares of \(v\).

additive: int = 0
shares: Dict[int, int]
beta: Beta
biprime: Biprime
lambda_: Lambda
n: N
p: P
partial_decryption: PartialDecryption
q: Q
secret_key: SecretKey
v: V