Source code for secure_learning.models.secure_logistic

Implementation of Logistic regression model.
import math
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import List, Union, overload

from mpyc.sectypes import SecureFixedPoint
from typing_extensions import Literal

from tno.mpc.mpyc.exponentiation import secure_pow

from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.metrics import accuracy_score
from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.models.common_gradient_forms import (
from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.models.secure_model import (
from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.utils import Matrix, Vector
from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.utils import util_matrix_vec as mpc_utils

[docs] class ExponentiationTypes(Enum): """ Class to store whether exponentations are approximated or calculated exactly. """ NONE = auto() APPROX = auto() EXACT = auto()
[docs] class Logistic(Model): r""" Solver for logistic regression. Optimizes a model with objective function $$\left(\frac{1}{2{n}_{\textrm{samples}}}\right) \sum_{i=1}^{{n}_{\textrm{samples}}}\left(\textrm{-}(1+y_i) \log(h_w(x_i)) - (1-y_i) \log(1-h_w(x_i))\right)$$ Here, $$h_w(x) = \frac{1}{(1 + e^{-w^T x}}$$ Labels $y_i$ are assumed to have value $-1$ or $1$. The gradient is given by: $$g(X, y, w) = \left(\frac{1}{2} \times {n}_{\textrm{samples}}\right) \sum_{i=1}^{{n}_\textrm{samples}} x_i^T \left( (2h_w(x_i) - 1) - y \right)$$ See docstrings for more information on solver types and penalties. """ name = "Logistic regression"
[docs] def __init__( self, solver_type: SolverTypes = SolverTypes.GD, exponentiation: ExponentiationTypes = ExponentiationTypes.EXACT, penalty: PenaltyTypes = PenaltyTypes.NONE, **penalty_args: float, ) -> None: """ Constructor method. :param solver_type: Solver type to use (e.g. Gradient Descent aka GD) :param penalty: Choose whether using L1, L2 or no penalty :param exponentiation: Choose whether exponentiations are approximated or exactly calculated :param penalty_args: Necessary arguments for chosen penalty :raise ValueError: raised when exponentiation is of wrong type. """ += f" {}" if exponentiation == ExponentiationTypes.EXACT: self.weighted_differences_gradient = WeightedDifferencesGradient( predictive_func=self._predictive_func_exact ) elif exponentiation == ExponentiationTypes.APPROX: self.weighted_differences_gradient = WeightedDifferencesGradient( predictive_func=self._predictive_func_approx ) else: raise ValueError( f"Expected exponentiation in ({ExponentiationTypes.EXACT, ExponentiationTypes.APPROX}), not {exponentiation}." ) super().__init__(solver_type, penalty=penalty, **penalty_args)
@overload def gradient_function( self, X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], y: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], grad_per_sample: Literal[False], ) -> Vector[SecureFixedPoint]: ... @overload def gradient_function( self, X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], y: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], grad_per_sample: Literal[True], ) -> List[Vector[SecureFixedPoint]]: ... @overload def gradient_function( self, X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], y: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], grad_per_sample: bool, ) -> Union[Vector[SecureFixedPoint], List[Vector[SecureFixedPoint]]]: ...
[docs] def gradient_function( self, X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], y: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], grad_per_sample: bool, ) -> Union[Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], Vector[SecureFixedPoint]]: """ Evaluate the gradient from the given parameters. :param X: Independent variables :param y: Dependent variables :param weights: Current weights vector :param grad_per_sample: Return a list with gradient per sample instead of aggregated (summed) gradient :return: Gradient of objective function as specified in class docstring, evaluated from the provided parameters """ uncorrected_weighted_differences_gradient = self.weighted_differences_gradient( X, y, weights, grad_per_sample=grad_per_sample, ) return mpc_utils.scale_vector_or_matrix( 1 / (2 * len(X)), uncorrected_weighted_differences_gradient )
[docs] def score( self, X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], y: Vector[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Union[Vector[float], Vector[SecureFixedPoint]], ) -> SecureFixedPoint: """ Compute the mean accuracy of the prediction. :param X: Test data. :param y: True label for $X$. :param weights: Weight vector. :return: Score of the model prediction. """ predicted_labels = self.predict(X, weights) return accuracy_score(y, predicted_labels)
# self.gradfunc(X, w) is presented / approximated here along the lines of # Mohassel and Zhang (2017), "SecureML: A System for Scalable Privacy- # Preserving Machine Learning", DOI 10.1109/SP.2017.12 @staticmethod def _predictive_func_approx( X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Vector[SecureFixedPoint] ) -> Vector[SecureFixedPoint]: """ Compute the predictive function (approximately). :param X: Independent variables :param weights: Current weights vector :return: Output of the predictive function """ stype = type(X[0][0]) X_times_w = mpc_utils.mat_vec_mult(X, weights) d_0 = [x < stype(-0.5) for x in X_times_w] d_1 = [x > stype(0.5) for x in X_times_w] new_values = [ d_1[i] + (stype(1) - d_0[i]) * (stype(1) - d_1[i]) * (X_times_w[i] + stype(0.5)) for i in range(len(d_0)) ] # Map predicted {0, 1}-labels to {-1, +1} return [2 * val - 1 for val in new_values] @staticmethod def _predictive_func_exact( X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Vector[SecureFixedPoint] ) -> Vector[SecureFixedPoint]: """ Compute the predictive function (exactly). :param X: Independent variables :param weights: Current weights vector :return: Output of the predictive function """ X_times_w = mpc_utils.mat_vec_mult(X, weights) X_times_w = [x * (-1) for x in X_times_w] result = secure_pow(math.e, X_times_w, trunc_to_domain=True, bits_buffer=1) new_results = [1 / (1 + r) for r in result] # Map predicted {0, 1}-labels to {-1, +1} return [2 * val - 1 for val in new_results]
[docs] @staticmethod def predict( X: Matrix[SecureFixedPoint], weights: Union[Vector[float], Vector[SecureFixedPoint]], prob: float = 0.5, **_kwargs: None, ) -> Vector[SecureFixedPoint]: """ Predicts labels for input data to classification model. Label $-1$ is assigned of the predicted probability is less then `prob`, otherwise label $+1$ is assigned. :param X: Input data with all features :param weights: Weight vector of classification model :param prob: Threshold for labelling. Defaults to $0.5$. :param _kwargs: Not used :return: Target labels of classification model """ stype = type(X[0][0]) exp_threshold = math.log(prob / (1 - prob)) if not isinstance(weights[0], stype): weights = [stype(_) for _ in weights] exponents = [x + weights[0] for x in mpc_utils.mat_vec_mult(X, weights[1:])] return [2 * (x >= exp_threshold) - 1 for x in exponents]