Source code for secure_learning.metrics

Provides classification and regression metrics.

import numpy as np

from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.exceptions import SecureLearnValueError
from tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning.utils import NumpyObjectArray, SecNumTypesTV, Vector

# Classification metrics
[docs] def accuracy_score( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ Computes the accuracy of the predicted labels. Accuracy is computed as the ratio of all correctly predicted labels over the number of predicted labels. :param y_real: Real labels (-/+ 1) :param y_pred: Predicted labels (-/+ 1) :return: Accuracy of given predictions """ # -1 if TN, 1 if TP, 0 if FN or FP signed_pred_correct = (np.asarray(y_pred) + np.asarray(y_real)) / 2 accuracy: SecNumTypesTV = np.inner(signed_pred_correct, signed_pred_correct) / len( # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] y_real ) return accuracy
[docs] def precision_score( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], pos_label: int, ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ Computes the precision of the predicted labels of category pos_label. Precision is computed as the ratio of all correctly predicted pos_label over the number of predicted pos_label. This is an indication how precise the predictions of pos_label are: given prediction pos_label, how likely is it that the true label is pos_label. :param y_real: Real labels (-/+ 1) :param y_pred: Predicted labels (-/+ 1) :param pos_label: Label (value) to compute precision of :raise SecureLearnValueError: pos_label value must be either -1 or 1 :return: Precision of given predictions """ if pos_label not in [-1, 1]: raise SecureLearnValueError( f"Expected pos_label in [-1, 1], but received {pos_label}." ) y_real_np = np.asarray(y_real) y_pred_np = np.asarray(y_pred) # Reduce to case target label = 1 if pos_label == -1: y_real_np = -y_real_np y_pred_np = -y_pred_np # 1 if true target, 0 else num_true_targets: SecNumTypesTV = np.sum( (y_real_np * y_pred_np + y_real_np + y_pred_np + 1) / 4 ) num_pred_targets: SecNumTypesTV = np.sum((y_pred_np + 1) / 2) return num_true_targets / num_pred_targets
[docs] def recall_score( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], pos_label: int, ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ Computes the recall of the predicted labels of category pos_label. Recall is computed as the ratio of all correctly predicted pos_label over the number of real pos_label. This is an indication how many actual pos_label we misclassified. :param y_real: Real labels (-/+ 1) :param y_pred: Predicted labels (-/+ 1) :param pos_label: Label (value) to compute recall of :raise SecureLearnValueError: pos_label value must be either -1 or 1 :return: Recall of given predictions """ if pos_label not in [-1, 1]: raise SecureLearnValueError( f"Expected pos_label in [-1, 1], but received {pos_label}." ) y_real_np = np.asarray(y_real) y_pred_np = np.asarray(y_pred) # Reduce to case target label = 1 if pos_label == -1: y_real_np = -y_real_np y_pred_np = -y_pred_np # 1 if true target, 0 else num_true_targets: SecNumTypesTV = np.sum( (y_real_np * y_pred_np + y_real_np + y_pred_np + 1) / 4 ) num_real_targets: SecNumTypesTV = np.sum((y_real_np + 1) / 2) return num_true_targets / num_real_targets
[docs] def f1_score( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], pos_label: int, ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ F1-score for given predicted and real target labels. :param y_real: Real labels (-/+ 1) :param y_pred: Predicted labels (-/+ 1) :param pos_label: Label to compute f1 score of :raise SecureLearnValueError: pos_label value must be either -1 or 1 :return: F1 score """ if pos_label not in [-1, 1]: raise SecureLearnValueError( f"Expected pos_label in [-1, 1], but received {pos_label}." ) precision: SecNumTypesTV = precision_score(y_real, y_pred, pos_label) recall: SecNumTypesTV = recall_score(y_real, y_pred, pos_label) return 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
# Regression metrics
[docs] def mean_squared_error( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ Compute residual mean of squares. Residual mean of squares equals the mean of squares of deviations between predicted and real values. :param y_real: Real labels (-/+ 1) :param y_pred: Predicted labels (-/+ 1) :return: Residual mean of squares """ pred_error: NumpyObjectArray = np.asarray(y_pred) - np.asarray(y_real) res_mean_sq: SecNumTypesTV = np.inner(pred_error, pred_error) / len(y_real) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] return res_mean_sq
[docs] def mean_squared_model(y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV]) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ Compute explained mean of squares. Explained sum of squares equals the mean of squares of deviations from the mean. :param y_real: Input :return: Explained mean of squares """ y = np.asarray(y_real) dev_from_mean = y - y.sum() / len(y) explained_mean_sq: SecNumTypesTV = np.inner(dev_from_mean, dev_from_mean) / len(y) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] return explained_mean_sq
[docs] def r2_score( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ R-squared value for given predicted and real target values. :param y_real: Real target values :param y_pred: Predicted target values :return: R-squared value """ mean_explained_ss: SecNumTypesTV = mean_squared_model(y_real) mean_residual_ss: SecNumTypesTV = mean_squared_error(y_real, y_pred) return 1 - (mean_residual_ss / mean_explained_ss)
[docs] def adj_r2_score( y_real: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], y_pred: Vector[SecNumTypesTV], n_features: int, ) -> SecNumTypesTV: """ Adjusted R-squared value for given predicted and real target values. :param y_real: Real target values :param y_pred: Predicted target values :param n_features: Number of features :return: Adjusted R-squared value """ n_samples = len(y_pred) r_squared = r2_score(y_real, y_pred) return 1 - (1 - r_squared) * (n_samples - 1) / (n_samples - n_features - 1)