Source code for secure_learning.exceptions

Defines custom exceptions for the tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning library.

[docs] class BaseSecureLearnError(Exception): """ Base class for custom exceptions in the tno.mpc.mpyc.secure_learning library """
[docs] class MissingFunctionError(BaseSecureLearnError): """ The function has not been initialized. """
[docs] class SecureLearnTypeError(BaseSecureLearnError, TypeError): """ Received object of unexpected type. """
[docs] class SecureLearnUninitializedSolverError(BaseSecureLearnError): """ Solver has not been fully initialized. """
[docs] class SecureLearnValueError(BaseSecureLearnError, ValueError): """ Received object with unexpected value. """
[docs] class UnknownPenaltyError(BaseSecureLearnError): """ Penalty is not recognized. """