Source code for matrix_inverse.matrix_inverse

The code below is based on the demo from the MPyC library on Feb 26th, 2020,
as implemented by Frank Blom.
The underlying theory is published in the paper 'Efficient Secure Ridge Regression from
Randomized Gaussian Elimination' by Frank Blom, Niek J. Bouman, Berry
Schoenmakers, and Niels de Vreede, presented at TPMPC 2019 by Frank Blom.
See (or
from typing import List, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from mpyc.finfields import PrimeFieldElement
from mpyc.runtime import mpc
from mpyc.sectypes import SecureFixedPoint, SecureInteger, SecureNumber
from numpy import array, concatenate, diagflat, reshape, tril_indices, triu_indices

from tno.mpc.mpyc.stubs.asyncoro import mpc_coro_ignore, returnType

SecureFixedPointMatrix = List[List[SecureFixedPoint]]
FixedPointMatrix = List[List[float]]
SecureNumberType = TypeVar("SecureNumberType", bound=SecureNumber)

[docs] def bareiss_gaussian_elimination( prime_field: Type[PrimeFieldElement], matrix: List[List[SecureNumberType]] ) -> Tuple[List[List[SecureNumberType]], SecureNumberType]: """ Bareiss-like integer-preserving Gaussian elimination adapted for Zp. Using exactly one modular inverse in Zp per row of the provided matrix. Apart from variable names, this is an unmodified copy of the code in the demo. :param prime_field: Zp :param matrix: input matrix containing secure values :return: inverse matrix of the input matrix """ field_modulus = prime_field.modulus numpy_matrix = array(matrix) height, width = numpy_matrix.shape # d by d+e matrix A # convert A elementwise from Zp to int for i in range(height): for j in range(width): numpy_matrix[i, j] = numpy_matrix[i, j].value # division-free Gaussian elimination for k in range(height): for i in range(k + 1, height): for j in range(k + 1, width): numpy_matrix[i, j] = ( numpy_matrix[k, k] * numpy_matrix[i, j] - numpy_matrix[k, j] * numpy_matrix[i, k] ) % field_modulus # back substitution for i in range(height - 1, -1, -1): inv = (1 / prime_field(numpy_matrix[i, i])).value if i < height - 2: # keep reciprocal for determinant numpy_matrix[i, i] = inv for j in range(height, width): element = numpy_matrix[i, j] for k in range(i + 1, height): element -= numpy_matrix[i, k] * numpy_matrix[k, j] element %= field_modulus numpy_matrix[i, j] = (element * inv) % field_modulus # postponed division for determinant inv = 1 det = numpy_matrix[height - 1, height - 1] for i in range(height - 2): inv = (inv * numpy_matrix[i, i]) % field_modulus det = (det * inv) % field_modulus numpy_inverse = numpy_matrix[:, height:] return numpy_inverse.tolist(), det
[docs] def random_matrix_determinant( secure_object_type: Type[SecureNumberType], dimension: int ) -> Tuple[List[List[SecureNumberType]], SecureNumberType]: """ Generate a random d x d matrix from the set of LU decomposable matrices over a given field. Apart from variable names, this is an unmodified copy of the code in the demo. :param secure_object_type: Secure type :param dimension: The dimension d :return: A random invertible matrix and the determinant of its inverse """ d_2: int = dimension * (dimension - 1) // 2 # Generate a random lower triangular matrix (L) with 1s on the diagonal uniformly random from # the set of such matrices rand_lower_tri_matrix = diagflat([secure_object_type(1)] * dimension) rand_lower_tri_matrix[ tril_indices(dimension, -1) ] = mpc._randoms( # pylint: disable=protected-access # we need the protected method secure_object_type, d_2 ) rand_lower_tri_matrix[triu_indices(dimension, 1)] = [secure_object_type(0)] * d_2 diag = ( mpc._randoms( # pylint: disable=protected-access # we need the protected method secure_object_type, dimension ) ) # Generate a random upper triangular matrix (U) uniformly random from the set of such matrices rand_upper_tri_matrix = diagflat(diag) rand_upper_tri_matrix[tril_indices(dimension, -1)] = [secure_object_type(0)] * d_2 rand_upper_tri_matrix[ triu_indices(dimension, 1) ] = mpc._randoms( # pylint: disable=protected-access # we need the protected method secure_object_type, d_2 ) # noinspection PyTypeChecker # The missing annotations give type errors here rand_lower_tri_matrix_list: List[ List[SecureNumberType] ] = rand_lower_tri_matrix.tolist() # noinspection PyTypeChecker # The missing annotations give type errors here rand_upper_tri_matrix_list: List[ List[SecureNumberType] ] = rand_upper_tri_matrix.tolist() # Compute the result R = L * U random_invertible_matrix = mpc.matrix_prod( rand_lower_tri_matrix_list, rand_upper_tri_matrix_list ) # The determinant of R is nonzero with overwhelming probability inverse_determinant = return random_invertible_matrix, inverse_determinant
@mpc_coro_ignore async def _matrix_inverse( input_matrix: List[List[SecureNumberType]], ) -> List[SecureNumberType]: """ Securely compute the matrix inverse of a given matrix. This is based on the linear_solve function from the demo. :param input_matrix: Matrix for which we want to know the inverse :return: Adjugate and determinant of the input matrix, which represents the inverse :raises ValueError: when the provided matrix is not square """ # Assume that each element is from the same field secure_object_type: Type[SecureNumberType] = type(input_matrix[0][0]) # Dimension of the matrix dimension = len(input_matrix) if not all(len(row) == dimension for row in input_matrix): raise ValueError("The matrix is not square.") await returnType(secure_object_type, dimension * dimension + 1) # securely sample a random matrix R and the determinant of its inverse random_invertible_matrix, inverse_determinant = random_matrix_determinant( secure_object_type, dimension ) # Mask the input matrix using R masked_input_matrix: List[List[SecureNumberType]] = mpc.matrix_prod( random_invertible_matrix, input_matrix ) flattened_secure_masked_input_matrix: List[SecureNumberType] = [ a for row in masked_input_matrix for a in row ] # Open the masked input matrix flattened_masked_input_matrix: List[Union[int, float]] = await mpc.output( flattened_secure_masked_input_matrix, raw=True ) # Reshape to d x d matrix reshaped_masked_input_matrix = reshape( flattened_masked_input_matrix, (dimension, dimension) ) random_invertible_matrix = await mpc.gather(random_invertible_matrix) sec_field: Type[PrimeFieldElement] = secure_object_type.field # type: ignore # This copied code # structure makes it hard for the inspection tool to understand that the class contained in # sec_field does in fact have a field variable. # Use Gaussian elimination to obtain the inverse and determinant of the masked matrix # noinspection PyTypeChecker inverse, masked_matrix_determinant = bareiss_gaussian_elimination( sec_field, concatenate( (reshaped_masked_input_matrix, random_invertible_matrix), axis=1 ).tolist(), ) input_matrix_determinant = masked_matrix_determinant / inverse_determinant input_matrix_adjugate = [ secure_object_type(a) * input_matrix_determinant for row in inverse for a in row ] return input_matrix_adjugate + [input_matrix_determinant]
[docs] def determine_order_secfld(bit_length: int, dimension: int) -> int: """ Function to determine the minimal order of a field, based on the bit length and dimension. Based on main() and paper :param bit_length: bit length of each element in the field :param dimension: dimension of the original matrix :return: minimal order """ beta = 2 ** bit_length gamma = dimension * beta ** 2 bound: int = round(dimension ** (dimension / 2)) * gamma ** dimension return 2 * bound + 1
[docs] @mpc_coro_ignore async def scale_and_convert_to_secint( to_convert: Union[List[SecureNumber], SecureNumber] ) -> Union[List[SecureInteger], SecureInteger]: """ Function that scales and converts secure fixed points to secure integers with the same modulus. Effectively removes the point in the fixed point notation. :param to_convert: secure fixed point or list of secure fixed points :return: secure integer or list of secure integers (depending on the input) """ is_list = isinstance(to_convert, list) to_convert_list: List[SecureNumber] if is_list: to_convert_list = to_convert[:] # type: ignore # The statement ensures to_convert is a list else: to_convert_list = [to_convert] # type: ignore # The statement ensures to_convert is not a # list and the return type is a list stype: Type[SecureNumber] = type(to_convert_list[0]) field_modulus = stype.field.modulus # type: ignore # The structure of the mpyc code # makes it hard for the inspection tool to understand that the class contained in # stype does in fact have a field class which has a modulus variable. secint = mpc.SecInt(l=stype.bit_length, p=field_modulus) if is_list: await returnType(secint, len(to_convert_list)) else: await returnType(secint) to_convert_list = await mpc.gather(to_convert_list) result = [secint.field(int(xx.value)) for xx in to_convert_list] # type: ignore # The structure # of the mpyc code makes it hard for the inspection tool to understand that the class # elements in to_convert_list have a value variable. if not is_list: result = result[0] return result
[docs] def scale_and_convert_matrix_to_sec_fld( input_matrix: SecureFixedPointMatrix, ) -> SecureFixedPointMatrix: """ Function that scales and converts each element of a matrix with secure fixed point elements to a secure integer. :param input_matrix: matrix containing secure fixed point numbers :return: matrix containing secure integers """ # Convert secnum to scaled secnum a_matrix_secint = [scale_and_convert_to_secint(entry) for entry in input_matrix] # Convert secint to secfld sec_type_bit_length: int = ( 0 if input_matrix[0][0].bit_length is None else input_matrix[0][0].bit_length ) min_order = determine_order_secfld(sec_type_bit_length, len(input_matrix)) secfld = mpc.SecFld(min_order=min_order, signed=True) return [mpc.convert(_, secfld) for _ in a_matrix_secint]
[docs] def convert_matrix_to_large_sec_fxp( input_matrix: List[SecureNumber], ) -> List[SecureFixedPoint]: """ Convert a matrix with secure elements to a matrix with secure fixed points with twice as large bit lengths. :param input_matrix: input matrix :return: the input matrix with each element converted to a fixed point number with large bit length """ # Convert secnum to secfxp with twice as many bits total_bit_length: int = input_matrix[0].bit_length # type: ignore# The structure of the mpyc # code makes it hard for the inspection tool to understand that bit_length is in fact an int. return [mpc.convert(_, mpc.SecFxp(2 * total_bit_length)) for _ in input_matrix]
[docs] def reciprocal_sec_num(sec_num: SecureNumberType) -> SecureNumberType: """ compute the reciprocal of a secure number. :param sec_num: secure number :return: the reciprocal of the input """ return mpc.div(1, sec_num)
[docs] @mpc_coro_ignore async def matrix_inverse( input_matrix: SecureFixedPointMatrix, ) -> SecureFixedPointMatrix: """ Function that securely computes the inverse of a matrix with secure fixed point elements. :param input_matrix: input matrix :return: inverse of the input matrix """ secure_type = type(input_matrix[0][0]) dimension = len(input_matrix) fractional_length: int = secure_type.frac_length await returnType(secure_type, dimension, dimension) # Convert to secfld a_matrix_secfld = scale_and_convert_matrix_to_sec_fld(input_matrix) # Find Ainv adj_a_matrix_det_secfld = _matrix_inverse(a_matrix_secfld) del a_matrix_secfld # Convert to large-field secfxp to support divisions # noinspection PyTypeChecker adj_a_matrix_det_secfxp = convert_matrix_to_large_sec_fxp(adj_a_matrix_det_secfld) adj_a_matrix_secfxp, det = adj_a_matrix_det_secfxp[:-1], adj_a_matrix_det_secfxp[-1] del adj_a_matrix_det_secfld, adj_a_matrix_det_secfxp # Correct determinant for earlier scaling det >>= fractional_length # Compute 1/det * adjA det_inv = reciprocal_sec_num(det) inv_a_matrix_secfxp = mpc.scalar_mul(det_inv, adj_a_matrix_secfxp) del det_inv, adj_a_matrix_secfxp # Convert inverse back to original secure type inv_a_matrix = mpc.convert(inv_a_matrix_secfxp, secure_type) del inv_a_matrix_secfxp # Return invA as matrix (list of lists) return [ inv_a_matrix[i * dimension : i * dimension + dimension] for i in range(dimension) ]