Source code for templates.symmetric_encryption_scheme

Generic classes used for creating a symmetric encryption scheme.

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from abc import ABC
from secrets import randbits
from typing import Any, List, TypeVar

from .encryption_scheme import CT, CV, PT, RP, EncryptionScheme

Bits = List[int]

[docs] class SymmetricKey: """ Class for storing and generating symmetric key material """
[docs] @classmethod def from_sec_param(cls, sec_param: int) -> SymmetricKey: """ Class method that generates a uniformly random secret key :param sec_param: bit security of the key to be generated :return: uniformly random symmetric key with bit security equal to sec_param """ rand_int = randbits(sec_param) return cls(bin(rand_int))
[docs] @classmethod def to_bits(cls, to_convert: bytes | str) -> Bits: """ Class method that converts alternate representations of a symmetric key to the right format :param to_convert: variable of type bytes or str (of format '0b{0,1}*') to be converted :return: list of integers in that are either 0 or 1 """ if isinstance(to_convert, bytes): return [i - 48 for i in to_convert] return [int(i) for i in to_convert[2:]]
def __init__(self, key_value: str | int | Bits): if isinstance(key_value, list): if not all(x in [0, 1] for x in key_value): raise ValueError("The elements in the provided list are not bits") self.value = int("".join([str(i) for i in key_value]), 2) self.bits = key_value elif isinstance(key_value, int): self.value = key_value self.bits = self.to_bits(bin(key_value)) elif isinstance(key_value, str): if not key_value[:2] == "0b": raise ValueError("This string is not of the format '0b{0,1}*'.") self.value = int(key_value[2:], 2) self.bits = self.to_bits(key_value) else: raise TypeError( f"Expected input to be either a binary string, integer or list of bits, not" f" {type(key_value)}." ) self.security_parameter = len(self.bits)
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict[str, int]: """ Serialize this symmetric key. :return: Dictionary object containing the value of this key. """ return {"int_value": self.value}
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, json: dict[str, int]) -> SymmetricKey: """ Construct this key from its serialization. :param json: Serialization of this key. :return: An initialized version of this key. """ return cls(json["int_value"])
SK = TypeVar("SK", bound=SymmetricKey) SE = TypeVar("SE", bound="SymmetricEncryptionScheme[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]")
[docs] class SymmetricEncryptionScheme(EncryptionScheme[SK, PT, RP, CV, CT], ABC): """ Abstract base class for a SymmetricEncryptionScheme. Subclass of EncryptionScheme. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_security_parameter(cls: type[SE], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> SE: r""" Generate a new SymmetricEncryptionScheme from a security parameter. :param \*args: Security parameter(s) and optional extra arguments for the SymmetricEncryptionScheme constructor. :param \**kwargs: Security keyword parameter(s) and optional extra arguments for the SymmetricEncryptionScheme constructor. :return: Symmetric cryptographic scheme """ gen_names = inspect.getfullargspec(cls.generate_key_material)[0] gen_kwargs = {} init_kwargs = {} for kwarg, val in kwargs.items(): if kwarg in gen_names: gen_kwargs[kwarg] = val else: init_kwargs[kwarg] = val symmetric_key = cls.generate_key_material(*args, **gen_kwargs) return cls(symmetric_key, **init_kwargs)
[docs] def __init__(self, key: SK, *_args: Any, **_kwargs: Any) -> None: r""" Construct a SymmetricEncryptionScheme with the given key. :param key: Symmetric key. :param \*_args: Possible extra parameters for this scheme. :param \**_kwargs: Possible extra keyword parameters for this scheme. """ self.__key = key EncryptionScheme.__init__(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_key_material( # type: ignore[override] bit_length: int, ) -> SymmetricKey: r""" Method to generate key material (SymmetricKey) for this scheme. :param bit_length: Desired bit security of the secret key :return: The SymmetricKey that was generated. """ return SymmetricKey.from_sec_param(bit_length)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Compare equality of two SymmetricEncryptionSchemes :param other: The other object to compare with. :raise TypeError: When the type of the other object is not the same is of this scheme. :return: Boolean value representing (in)equality of self and other. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): raise TypeError( f"Expected comparison with the same type symmetric encryption scheme, not" f" {type(other)}" ) return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.__key == other.key
[docs] def serialize(self, **_kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, dict[str, int]]: r""" Serialize the key of this encryption scheme. :param \**_kwargs: Unused parameters to adhere to tno.mpc.communication.SupportsSerializiation protocol. :return: Serialized key. """ return {"key": self.__key.serialize()}
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize( cls: type[SE], json: dict[str, dict[str, int]], **_kwargs: Any ) -> SE: r""" Construct this scheme from the serialization. :param json: Serialization of this scheme. :param \**_kwargs: Optional extra keyword arguments. :return: An initialized version of this scheme. """ key = SymmetricKey.deserialize(json["key"]) return cls(key)
@property def key(self) -> SK: """ SymmetricKey of this instantiation of the scheme. :return: SymmetricKey of this instantiation. """ return self.__key