Source code for templates.asymmetric_encryption_scheme

Generic classes used for creating an asymmetric encryption scheme.
import inspect
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Generic, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, cast

from .encryption_scheme import CT, CV, KM, PT, RP, EncryptionScheme

[docs] class PublicKey: """ Public Key of an AsymmetricEncryptionScheme. This should be subclassed for every AsymmetricEncryptionScheme. """
[docs] class SecretKey: """ Secret Key of an AsymmetricEncryptionScheme. This should be subclassed for every AsymmetricEncryptionScheme. """
PK = TypeVar("PK", bound=PublicKey) SK = TypeVar("SK", bound=SecretKey) AE = TypeVar( "AE", bound="AsymmetricEncryptionScheme[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]" )
[docs] class AsymmetricEncryptionScheme( Generic[KM, PT, RP, CV, CT, PK, SK], EncryptionScheme[KM, PT, RP, CV, CT], ABC ): """ Abstract base class for an AsymmetricEncryptionScheme. Subclass of EncryptionScheme. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_security_parameter(cls: Type[AE], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> AE: """ Generate a new AsymmetricEncryptionScheme from a security parameter. Note that regular arguments will be passed to the generate_key_material method, so all parameter that are required for the constructor should be passed as keyword arguments. :param args: Security parameter(s) for key generation. :param kwargs: Security parameter(s) and optional extra arguments for the EncryptionScheme constructor. :raises ValueError: If a keyword argument is not valid for key generation or the constructor :return: A new EncryptionScheme. """ gen_names = inspect.getfullargspec(cls.generate_key_material)[0] init_names = [ name for name in inspect.getfullargspec(cls.__init__)[0] if name != "self" ] gen_kwargs = {} init_kwargs = {} for kwarg, val in kwargs.items(): if kwarg in gen_names: # arguments used for generating key material gen_kwargs[kwarg] = val elif kwarg in init_names: # arguments used in the __init__ method init_kwargs[kwarg] = val else: raise ValueError( f"The keyword arguments should either be used for key generation, " f"or passed to the constructor, but parameter with name {kwarg}" f"is not present in either." ) public_key, secret_key = cast( Tuple[PK, SK], cls.generate_key_material(*args, **gen_kwargs) ) return cls(public_key, secret_key, **init_kwargs) # type: ignore[call-arg]
[docs] @classmethod def from_public_key(cls: Type[AE], public_key: PK, **kwargs: Any) -> AE: """ Generate a new AsymmetricEncryptionScheme from a public key (e.g. when received from another party) and possibly additional parameters. :param public_key: The PublicKey of this scheme instantiation. constructor. :param kwargs: Optional extra arguments for the EncryptionScheme constructor. :return: A new EncryptionScheme. """ return cls(public_key=public_key, secret_key=None, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-arg]
[docs] def __init__( self, public_key: PK, secret_key: Optional[SK], ): """ Construct an AsymmetricEncryptionScheme with the given keypair and optional keyword arguments. All keyword arguments are combined with the public key to create an ID, so all the __init__ of a custom subclass of AsymmetricEncryptionScheme should pass all their parameter values as keyword arguments to this __init__ for the ID generation to work properly. If this does not happen, then schemes might be considered equal when they are totally different. :param public_key: Asymmetric PublicKey. :param secret_key: Asymmetric SecretKey, might be None when the SecretKey is unknown. """ self.__pk = public_key self.__sk = secret_key EncryptionScheme.__init__(self)
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def generate_key_material(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> KM: """ Method to generate key material (PublicKey and SecretKey) for this scheme. :param args: Required arguments to generate said key material. :param kwargs: Required arguments to generate said key material. :return: Tuple containing first the PublicKey of this scheme and then the SecretKey. """
@property def public_key(self) -> PK: """ PublicKey of this instantiation of the scheme. :return: PublicKey of this instantiation. """ return self.__pk @property def secret_key(self) -> Optional[SK]: """ SecretKey of this instantiation of the scheme. :return: SecretKey of this instantiation, or None when it is unknown. """ return self.__sk